Check in date (required)
Check out date (required)
Adults in room (required) - AED 370 for 1 adult in the room, or AED 420 for 2 adults
1 adult (AED 370)2 adults (AED 420)
Beds (required)
1 Bed2 Beds
If you select a room with 2 Beds, you are responsible for finding a roommate and arranging to share the payment with them.
Name (required)
Email (required)
Phone (required)
Address (required)
Nationality on passport (required)
Additional Comments
This submission form obligates you to a room reservation, and you are responsible to make full payment for the entire room to the Gloria Hotel at check in. Gloria Hotel will send you a confirmation email within a few business days along with a link for your credit card information to hold the room. You will not be guaranteed a room unless you complete the credit card step. If you cancel your booking, one night will be charged to your credit card as a cancellation fee.