The Global Mobilization Consultation (GMC) is for mission mobilizers — world changers who represent mission organizations, churches, networks, and associations in every region of the world. GMC is a participant-focused experience full of peer learning and consulting. It is designed to be highly collaborative and interactive.

Celebrate with us what the Lord did through GMC2017!

Plenary Sessions

Password is GMC2017

Introducing the 3D Model for Mobilization

Randy Mitchell & Vicky Warren

Our understanding of mobilization continues to evolve, however often it is generally still viewed one dimensionally. Beginning with an Outcome based approach to planning we will explore the importance of defining both Specific and General Outcomes and the importance of Mobilization that yields Movements. It is our suggestion that there are actually multiple dimensions to mobilization that need to be studied and integrated if we are to speak of Mobilizing. Each of these dimensions exists on a continuum and need to be understood as processes which when properly practiced will yield Missions Movements.

The Discovery Dimension

Richard Verreynne

We understand that as a believer increases in awareness of God and His divine purposes it is the work of the Holy Spirit leading that person into a deeper revelation of God and His Mission. However, Mobilizers are called to work with God and His Spirit to draw people into this process. Therefore, our objective is not to manipulate or coercively motivate God’s people into His service. We believe our role is one of guided discovery for both individuals and ministries. In this Plenary we will be discussing how the mobilizer assists the Church in recovering both love for God and passion for His Purpose. We will discuss the importance of four essential elements in discipling people along Pathways from Discovery to Development to Deployment.

The Development Dimension

Mike Adegbile

It is not enough that a people become sufficiently inspired concerning the message of redemption and God’s invitation to participate in that mission. It is here mobilizers impart knowledge by teaching, skill through practical experience, and character by modelling and mentoring. All this is in a hope that we are growing up individuals in Christ and in their calling. People need to be equipped and for this reason need to undergo a season of development. In this Plenary we will be discussing a broad array of tools and resources that can be utilized in the Development Dimension as well as discussing best practices for the creation of new Development resources.

The Deployment Dimension

Allan Matamoros

The word “deploy” is defined as moving into strategic position in order to better utilize or to bring into effective action. In mission this means the movement of people and necessary resources into strategic position as to be best utilized and most effective on God’s mission. When we talk about deployment we are focusing on our outcomes—both general and specific. Therefore we are addressing any number of activities the Church may participate in including prayer, sending, receiving, going, etc. as they actively engage in the Great Commission locally or globally. In this Plenary we will discuss the creation of new ministry opportunities, empowering new leaders, increased partnerships all in an effort to provide multiple avenues for individuals to engage strategically and successfully in the mission of God. We will also be addressing the need to new innovative sending models for deploying workers cross-culturally.

The State of Missions and the State of Mobilization Around the World

Jason Gardner & Ray Peng

This plenary will examine the Mobilization Index, encourage “gobilizers”, and discuss the importance of fostering national movements. Using qualitative and quantitative statistical information, provides mobilizers a view into the unfinished task. Understanding the state of missions and mobilization around the world provides an emphasis on the God-sized nature of the mission and a recognition that ingenuity and hard work alone are not enough. The 21st century is viewed as one of “unparalleled magnitude and opportunity for the borderless church of Christ.” The question for the church has been not if we will continue to participate in mobilization efforts but how is God calling us to do so.

Partnership and Collaboration

Sushil Tyagi

The challenges of mobilization are so enormous that no church, mission agency or initiative can deal with it alone. This plenary will discuss the various resources and skills that are needed to build productive collaborative partnerships. All mobilization efforts need to be cultivated and coordinated. To a growing extent, this already takes place in regional partnerships but there are growing opportunities to build stronger global partnerships. Collaboration begins with shared purpose, shared processes, and shared practices. This Plenary will challenge the mobilizer to commit to building partnerships with those who have a shared purpose and values. In this Plenary session we will be addressing major issues that affect our efforts to achieve synergy including: communication, shared leadership and equity of resources.

Mega-trends and Implications for Mobilization

Marvin Newell

In this Plenary, we will examine key areas of change happening around the world, from mega-trends, “gobilization”, the local church, and the southward demographic shift of the Christian church and the impact each has for mobilization. Each of these mega-trends has contributed to an environment of uncertainty in mission. It is therefore important that we are clear about the redemptive mission of God while at the same time responsive to our changing realities. The opportunities are numerous if we can keep in tune with God’s prompting as He leads the Church to glorify Him!


From GMC2015

Because it made my spirit burn again to do the mission mobilization to the tribes! It was amazing to meet other mobilizers from around the world, sharing and connecting together in God’s purposes. Also that GMC Kenya really equipped me with some tools for mobilization. So that’s why we responded quickly with GMC Indonesia in the next month … it was awesome …
Hope i can attend in another GMC event and be equip more as a mobilizer…


Definitely the Lord is moving powerfully around the world to complete the task He calls us to do. GMC shows me that! What a blessing to come together to partner, strengthen and encourage one another in our ministry of mobilization. We don’t have to serve alone, we can share the journey, and GMC offers us that.


We aim to develop in Brazil the same idea of a network of mobilizers in our national missions board. GMC is an example of how we empower each other and our ministries by just joining forces and looking to the same goal: glorify God among the nations.


GMC2015 was a wonderful opportunity to meet together and get encouraged by godly people who are like-minded, mission-oriented, Great Commission-focused and Holy Spirit-empowered. There is nothing like doing it together for the glory of God.


GMC2015 provided an amazing opportunity for me to connect with like-minded mobilizers from around the globe. Not only did the time in Nairobi confirm my call as a Mobilizer, but it also allowed me to build mentoring relationships with seasoned Mobilizers. I left the gathering feeling re-energized and equipped with new resources and skills.

United States

Being with a community of mobilizers from around the world was very refreshing and energizing. GMC 2015 afforded us a rare opportunity for fellowship, networking, and collaboration in the main task of why we exist as a Church.
